It’s currently 10:44pm on Sunday and at 10:00am Monday morning my on-call shift will officially be over. The weekend was very quiet. Like the past ...
Today was day 5 and no alerts again today 🎉🎉 So happy. I however spent a lot of time looking at the infrastructure in my tribe and try to make ...
Today was a 0 incident day 🎉🎉 I didn’t receive a single alert from Opsgenie today for any incident meaning there was no critical in my tribe ...
Today is day 3 of 7 as the primary on-call engineer. I almost thought I’d go today without getting paged but that was not to be so. At 4:19pm, I go...
Today was a relatively quiet day compared to yesterday. I was paged only once today at 7:37am but I was already awake so it didn’t sting that much....
I started my 24/7 (7 days a week) on call shift at work today. I will be responsible for our production code from Monday till Monday. What this mean...
Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise